Our History

New Heart Society FoundedDedicated to creating a lasting community of friends and volunteers that would provide support to those waiting for a transplant, recipients, and caregivers that needed help.
Began Living Assistance LoanFirst Living Assistance loan was granted to a Tucson heart recipient for $500 for living expenses.
Change of Heart PublishedThe newsletter established an important network of recipients, people on the waitlist, and healthcare providers.
Began DonateLife License PlatesObtained the DonateLife License plates to provide funds for transplantation and organ donation awareness.
Rebranded to New Life SocietyThe Society realized that more than just heart recipients need help and expanded their reach to include all solid organ transplant recipients.
Opened New ChaptersChapters were opened in Yuma, led by Ken Stanhope, Maribel Cross, and then Tom Gammill, and Tucson.
Government Funding ChallengesThe governor and Legislature tried to cut costs from the budget. New Life Society led and organized community leaders like Eddie Basha and Charlie Thomas to help reverse that decision.
Advisory Board CreatedNoted public figures joined the board like Rose Mofford, Anna Tovar, and other legislators and doctors.
Eddie Basha Creates the First Endowment AccountThe Celebration of Life Gala raises money for the expansion project to Prescott and Eddie Basha creates the first endowment account.
Living Assistance Loan Program Includes GrantsThe board of directors expands the Living Assistance Loan program to include grants that recipients do not need to repay. Recipients receive financial aid for housing, utilities, transportation, and medication co-pays.
Rebranded to Transplant Community AlliancePrograms include peer support dinners, education meetings, participation in the Transplant Games of America, and coordination with community partners and transplant centers.
Mentorship Program FormalizedThe Mentorship Program was formalized and 60 recipients, donors, and caregivers were trained to provide support one-on-one to anyone who needed it.