A Beautiful Life and a Generous Soul still saving lives today.
A Beautiful Life and a Generous Soul still saving lives [...]
Perseverance bring new purpose and empowerment to both recipient and community
Growing up in Saudi Arabia as the only child of [...]
An Expert’s Perspective – Charlie Thomas LCSW, ACSW, FNKF – Banner Transplant Institute
We want to introduce our readers to a new type [...]
National Donate Life Living Donor Registry
Donate Life America (DLA) and the Fresenius Medical Care Foundation [...]
New liver received just in time to save a life
New liver received just in time to save a life [...]
Welcome to the new Donor Network of Arizona Building
Welcome to the new Donor Network of Arizona [...]
James Cooper-A life well lived with lung and kidney transplant
A life well lived with lung and kidney [...]
Oliver-Youngest transplant recipient in the world, 6 years later
Youngest transplant recipient in the world, 6 years later. By [...]
Ed Ozier: A brief history of kidney transplant in Arizona
Ed and his wife Ed has seen a few things [...]
427 days waiting, a Berlin heart, and a new lease on life.
By Melissa McQueen. Kim and Liam When this interview was [...]
Champion at Heart, From Heart Failure to 5k.
By Melissa McQueen. Most of Samuel’s life he felt active [...]
Transplant recipient to transplant clinician.
It all started when Brett was a sophomore in high [...]
Transplant gives new lease on life.
Double lung transplant recipients Irene Marra, Allison Stokes and Deb [...]
Chain of Love. A Story of Living Donation.
In Spring of 2008, Michelle and Tom Fulcher were enjoying [...]
Living life to its fullest, through CHD, heart transplant and beyond
When first meeting Evie, you can’t help but notice her [...]