The Donor Dash supports Transplant Community Alliance’s programs to support transplant recipients. The race proceeds will help support transplant recipients and their families with much-needed services, including providing funds for housing, transportation, prescriptions, and out-of-pocket co-pays.
We want to pack the 1K Family Fun Run/Walk with as many participants as possible. Of course, this is open to all ages, but kids under 12 are only $1 each* when registering with an adult. Kids will receive a t-shirt and medal too! *Discount applied at checkout
After the race, please enjoy the vendor village and silent auction.
New This Year – Honorary Signs
Order an Honorary sign to show who you are “dashing’ for at Donor Dash this year. Signs will be displayed along the walking/running path or within the memorial garden area. Signs are $15 each and will include a picture, name and choice of sentiment.
The last day to fill out the form for a sign is Friday, Nov. 1.
Memorial Signs – To honor a loved one who became a donor after death.
Living Donor Signs – To honor a living donor.
Signs are $15 each and will include a picture, name and choice of sentiment.
Click link to order your sign.
Allow us to make a Hero Button to honor your hero in your transplant journey. Your Hero maybe your donor, caregiver, family member, surgeon, social worker or friend.
Send images to and we will make the button in advance and it will be waiting for you to pick up at Button Station on the morning of the race. Or you can bring a picture with you to the race and we will make a button for you that day.
“I had the occasion to see how organ donation positively affects families’ lives. I am registered to be a tissue, eye, and organ donor because I want to give the gift of life to someone who needs it. Although it is a very sad time for a donor’s family, they have the opportunity to do so much good,” says a supporter. Her close friend lost her daughter to suicide and made the brave decision to donate her organs to six recipients.
She encourages everyone to register as an organ, eye, and tissue donor at
Would you rather volunteer for the Donor Dash? Please click the link for available shifts: VOLUNTEER
Vendor Booth
Vendors are offered a spot in the Vendor Village where they interact with a very special and loyal community! If you are interested, please fill out this form: VENDOR
Team Captains
Want to help make this event amazing? Create a Team and ask your friends and family to join the fun! Teams can make a big impact by not only adding members to run/walk, but each member of your team can also fundraise and increase the bottom line!
We have a list of dedicated Sponsors who are champions in our mission – Donor Network of Arizona, Banner University Phoenix, Banner University Tucson, Mayo Clinic, Dignity Health, Phoenix Children’s Hospital and Tortoise & Hare Sports!
If you would like to learn more about being a sponsor for Donor Dash 2024, please contact Tila Achuff at